As we all know this school year will be unlike anything any of us has ever experienced. The PSP has been working over the summer to identify changes to its programs and priorities in response to these dramatic events.

Here are some of the ways we’re changing this year:
The budget for each of our teachers has been increased to provide needed additional resources as we navigate this journey together
We anticipate most, if not all, of our large school events to be re-imagined virtually, socially distanced, or be postponed this year
We developed a new program where teachers have access to additional resources for new technologies, tools or programs to enhance learning within these new learning models.

After all the adjustments this unique year calls for, an Annual Giving Campaign request is $75 per student. The past few months have impacted us all, and some in profoundly life-changing ways. We hope this decreased amount helps make contributing easier for your family.

Our goal is 100 percent participation, but we recognize this could be a financial burden for some of our families. We ask that you make your gift comfortable, meaningful to you, and one that makes you proud. It is anticipated that some families will contribute more (or get a match from their employer) and others may contribute less.

Your donation is tax deductible and you are able to contribute in installments if this is more manageable for your family.